uploads/royal army medical corps.jpg

royal army medical corps (英國)皇家陸軍醫療隊〔略 R.A.M.C.〕。

royal army ordnance corps

Hear how europe ' s gps are on the march , behind a banner reading “ we can no longer allow others to be solely responsible for knowledge that we will apply . “ and then if battle fatigue hasn ' t set in , discover how three doctors found the royal army medical corps to be the route to professional contentment 聽見歐洲的gp怎么行進,在“我們能不再允許其它為我們將使用的知識完全負責”的旗幟讀物后面.然后如果戰爭疲勞沒來臨,發現三位醫生怎么發現了皇家軍隊醫藥軍團是到職業滿意的線路。